Ostrander Point work about safety and would have been done regardless: councillor Proctor
Administrator | Sep 09, 2011 | Comments 35
By Nicole Kleinsteuber
Gilead Power’s Mike Lord said the DND will be setting up a booth at the Picton Fair this weekend to answer questions the public has regarding activities at Ostrander Point.
Prince Edward County residents alarmed by work crews spotted at Ostrander Point, a proposed wind energy project site, contacted local MPP Green Party candidate Treat Hull over Labour Day weekend.
Hull’s campaign team chartered a helicopter and hired a photographer to take aerial view pictures of the site, showing X-Tech Explosive Decontamination Inc. clearing vegetation and small shrubs throughout the south east portion of the site on Tuesday.
The decontamination company was contracted by the Department of National Defence to remove any remaining unexploded explosive ordinance (UXO) from the area, which was used as a military training ground during WWII.
“Feelings are running high about this and justifiably so,” said Hull.
Hull said the contractors are connected to Gilead Power and began clearing the site for the proposed wind farm despite the fact that the project has not received its final approvals required to proceed.
“People feel strongly about this,” said Orville Walsh, chair for the County Coalition for Safe and Appropriate Green Energy. “Both the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources have ignored process by not carrying out its mandate to see that the area not be destroyed unnecessarily.”
Walsh said wind project challengers were assured by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment that there would be no activity at Ostrander Point until the access road application and the renewable energy application had been approved. There have been no such approvals yet.
“This reflects badly on the DND, Gilead Power and everyone involved,” said Hull.
In an attempt to clarify whether or not Gilead contracted DND to do the work to the site, Mike Lord Vice President of project development at Gilead issued a statement on Wednesday via email.
“Gilead remains committed to not undertake any construction at the Ostrander Point Wind Energy Park prior to receiving approval from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources,” said Lord.
After seeing the photos of crews clearing portions of the site, Myrna Wood, a founding member of PEC Field Naturalists said she felt betrayed.
“The government claimed there was a process for the community to have input,” said Wood.
“As soon as I found out I contacted our MPP along with other concerned residents to have the work stopped until the process has been completed,” said Walsh.
To date, Walsh hasn’t received a response to his request.
The majority of the concern originates from Ostrander Point being designated an Important Bird Area, and home to endangered species like the whip-poor-wil and the Blanding’s turtle.
Wood said she is concerned about the Blanding’s turtle and their hatchlings because they travel at this time of year.
“Is the equipment going over them as we speak?” said Wood.
Walsh and Wood aren’t the only residents the concerned about the impact the clearing could have on the environment and wildlife.
“There are a lot of vehicle traffic stirring things up,” said Richard Copple who lives within walking distance from Ostrander Point. “This is a valuable habitat and I’m shocked at how a conservation area isn’t being preserved.”
Richard Copple is the founder of Point to Point PEC, a group dedicated to preserving the natural habitat along the south shore in the county.
When Copple noticed machinery operating on the point he contacted Barbara Proctor, town councillor for South Marysburgh.
“It was clear after I visited the site that Gilead Power is not trying to put their shovel in the ground prior to approval,” said Proctor.
Proctor said the timing of the activities made people suspect due to Gilead’s pending application.
Copple said one reason he was suspicious is because the clearing project was kept quiet with no notice to county residents.
Proctor said the Ministry of Natural Resources on behalf of DND contacted local fire, police and medical departments to make them aware of the activities taking place.
“This is about safety and it would have to be done regardless,” said Proctor. “Whether it becomes a national park or if Gilead begins construction.”
Milford resident and founder of the County Sustainability Group, Don Ross hadn’t seen the aerial photos of the site but he said he’s thrilled the group is cleaning up the point.
“There are a lot of dangers out there involving explosives,” said Ross. “I’m sure they’re respecting the environment to the best of their ability.”
South Marysburgh resident, John Rorabeck lives 5 minutes away from Ostrander Point and said he has absolute faith in Gilead and hopes their project is accepted.
“I would like a turbine on my property,” said Rorabeck. “If I thought they were harmful then I wouldn’t want one.”
“Gilead has been working on this project since 2006 and we would never develop a project in good conscious where we thought there would be environmental impacts,” said Lord in an interview.
Filed Under: Local News
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Lets set the record straight.
Population of Canada 34 Million.
India 1.5 Billion , Africa 1 Billion , China 1.3 Billion.
to name but a few countries.
It’s about the transferring of wealth. And corporate welfare. And enabling global polluters.
Dalton McGuinty March 15 , 2002 in the Financial Post said:
“I support a genuinely competitive marketplace for the generation of electricity, By this, I mean a marketplace in which there will be several kinds of generators of electricity — public and private, large and small, and those providing green power. Unfortunately, the Tory government has … ignored the advice to break up the former Ontario Hydro’s monopoly in generation.”
Anyone see any free open market price competition in power generation?
Then in June 2 , 2002 , in the Canada Press admitted Monday that he flip-flopped on the issue. Saying he’d rushed to a judgment he now regretted when he initially supported privatization, McGuinty said he’d given more thought to the idea of selling Hydro One and had come to a wholly different conclusion.
“From time to time, when a politician changes his mind, that may not be the worst thing in the world, especially if you’re moving in a better direction,”
Here is what Dwight Duncan had to say in May 30 , 2005 in the Financial Post
“ Now is the time to privatize Ontario’s power infrastructure in order to attract the more than $35-billion of investment required to satisfy demand and upgrade 80% of the province’s grid over the next two decades, said Ontario Energy Minister Dwight Duncan.
“ Hopefully these processes will be streamlined in the future as we need to bring on more power,” Mr. Duncan said. “One of our great advantages in the 20th century was our cheap energy, but over the last 30-40 years we have lost that edge and we’re moving to correct it.” Investors currently think regulations are too cumbersome to apply for a power purchase agreement with the province — which is scaring away investment. Ontario currently needs about 25,000 megawatts of power and can produce up to 30,000 at peak times. In addition, the Ontario government predicts the population will skyrocket by 4-million people by the end of 2031, which will cause an increase in electrical consumption. To meet that demand, along with the billions of dollars needed to maintain the current output, investors from both sides of the Atlantic are knocking on Ontario’s door.”
But according to the Ontario Power Authority those production numbers are quite different than Dwight Duncans.
The Ontario Power Authority’s Integrated Power System Plan 2011 a blueprint for Ontario’s electricity system outlines needed investments in conservation, generation and transmission. This report states that we have 36,000 Mega-Watts (MW) of installed capacity now and we have 4,000MW of Inter State and Provincial transfers for a tidy 40,000.
In our our highest demand summer Ontario required 28-32,000MW. This recent hot spell we tipped the MW scales at less than 22,000. With OPA’s IPSP 101 , they expect we could save about 7,000MW due to conservation and Ontario may already be slightly ahead of their prediction.
I have provided a means to lower emissions with grants and “good’ subsidies to Ontarians to adopt alternate energy.
The room gets silent.
As far as a sustainable future is concerned unless we look at protecting our forests , stem and lower population growth and consumerism…..we have no future at present growth. Paying more for power is not going to save the world. Neither is taxing air.
Wind and solar as private business selling us power should be competive with the prices we pay for conventional power. Not 3 to 15 times it’s rate.
Nine or so wind turbines at Ostrander Point makes spitting in the wind look like a level 5 hurricane. It’s big money with little return energy wise and a lost environmental area you will never get back.
On another point can we get a thread going about the local newspaper reported theft from residents of our McFarland Home by staff members. I’d be interseted in what actions or investigations are being conducted to correct this very serious issue since the public knowledge has been made.
The only anti-wind stance I will tolerate is the sustainability issue.
The habitat mumbo jumbo doesn’t sit well with me, and this comes from someone who is VERY careful about my carbon footprint and respectful of the environment.
I’m willing to sacrifice a few dollars, a few birds, and a few turtles if it means a better, cleaner future for our future generations.
I assume you were talking to me about electricity costs. I pay it too. Believe me I struggle to make my bills too.
Take another look at your bill. The biggest chunk is because of delivery. That’s the infrastructure and line loss’s to deliver it to our homes. It lights up our rooms so we can swill our Merlot and read more Anti-wind propaganda in the local rag at night.
I don’t write Liberal policy but take a look around you in other provinces and other countries Wind Turbines are being embraced as part of the fix to our pollution problems. Face up to the facts we have to pay for mistakes made by our fathers in the past. Ernie I guess you would like to leave a polluted legacy for your kids/grandkids. It hurts but I face the facts that I have to pay my share to change the world.
The Billions Ontarians will overpay for power that goes into your pockets will smooth over the injustice.
The majority of Ontarians are realizing they have been played.
It is certainly a good deal for those with vested interests.
No doubt about it.
But as power skyrockets because of you and the Liberal for profit direction , as food rises because of higher power costs , and heating season arrives ,and when people see their taxes go up to cover the extra hydro costs municipalities are faced with , and hospitals , schools and subsidiezed housing passes these cost down to the tax payer….
A truly great deal for Ontarians.
We should thank you , shouldn’t we ?
Gary I just call em as I see em. Fact is we’re not kids. But if you want to talk about name calling lets look at the facts. The NIMBY’s I’m referring to have called developers….Killers, Polluters, Antidemocratic Environmentally Irresponsible… and on and on. That my friend is Bullying. “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7
On many occasions I have had roads widened in front of my house. Buildings put up blocking my view. These were unpleasant but the fact is I only have a say on what happens on my property. There have been many homes built in the county that have ruined my enjoyment of PEC. Drive down 33 and look at what used to be a great view of West Lake and Lake Ontario. Now there is palatial home after home. Good for them and I have no right to dictate to them that they can’t build because they are ruining my view. They bought the land went through the permitting process and built their dream homes.
If we shouldn’t build a Wind Turbine because it might kill a duck then we should stop hunting. You want to start an uprising try that. Cats kill hundreds of millions of birds a year. Cars kill 60 to 80 million birds a year as well. Lets get rid of all of them. The NIMBY bird argument is just another NIMBY excuse. Drop it because it doesn’t wash.
If they find Jimmy Hoffa when they are looking for UXO’s then maybe we can designate Ostrander Point a historic site!
John “Smith”‘s comments in part: .. a bunch of Chicken Littles .. it’s a NIMBY .. long-time residents [vs] recent imports .. rich Nimbys.
Reminds me of the bully in grade 5 (or grade 7 or grade 9) who tried, and often succeeded, in making life miserable for other kids by name-calling and, especially, by focusing on the new kid on the block.
It saddens me that a grown adult will demean himself by bullying tactics that we will not condone in children. It’s shameful.
A winery IS NOT a farm. I grow tomatoes in my garden, and I’m not so entitled to call myself a farmer.
These Wind Farms must have alot of pull not only do they have the Provincial Government in their back pocket but can draw in The Department of National Defense and the Federal Conservative Government. This just keeps getting bigger and bigger..I bet they find Jimmy Hoffa at Ostrander Point next…
The Department of National Defense is a Federal Government Departmentand not controlled by the Provincial Liberal Government. So any work thats being done at Ostrander Point is a Federal issue.Unless you believe Mr.Harper and Mr.McGuinty are playing nice for a change..
Who does a grape feed? The vanities of the rich that’s it. Huff Estates was prime farm land feeding all of Ontario. It’s soil was ploughed under and the rocks brought to the surface. WHY?
What does it matter if there is 1 John Smith or 100 were you going to bring it to my door step. Typical that Acronym toting NIMBY’s can’t take a little criticism. Oh and I don’t care where the big hole was dug and which animal you killed to put in your palace.
Well, Canada 411 turns up four “John Smiths” in Picton, so perhaps John Smith who thinks that only long time residents can “control” what happens in the County perhaps lives here. Dear John – apparently you don’t realize that growing grapes is farming. Oh, and by the way – ducks quack – and since they mostly fly over water, they’re not likely to be shredded by the proposed turbines. And – I suspect many long term residents are not happy with the proposed development either.
NIMBYers ?
People don’t have the right to enjoy their homes they purchased and quality of life ?
Come on , you have to come up with something better folks.
Really , you do.
I know you are fighting tooth and nail to preserve your enormous profits on the backs of hard working Ontarians hiding behind that “green” picture you paint.
I don’t blame you ..3 times the rate for wind and up to 15 times the rate for solar.
You people aren’t fooling anyone.
It’s about money.
I have never in my life seen such a bunch of Chicken Littles. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…it’s a NIMBY. The county has become a place that is no longer controlled by the long-time residents but by recent imports. The imports would much rather see useful farmland plowed up to put in another winery than have clean air. If one of the rich Nimbys could have bought Ostrander point I’m sure they would have ploughed under the turtles and scared away the birds with their cherry bombs to protect the grapes.
A bit of Trivia According to a reliable source in 1941 approx. target “drogues” were being towed by planes across Pt. Petre target range and fired on over the Lake.These drogues were then towed over the “Range” as it was called then(Back of Babylon) and dropped to physically count the holes to determine the planes gunner or ground crews accuracy.Occasionally the bullets/shelling would cut the tow cable accidently and the target would float down sometimes out in the Lake and or into the woods if there was an onshore breeze…sometimes to be found by a fisherman or farm owner in the area. Made of a sturdy canvas-like material they made good covers for machinery etc.
Questionable if there would be any live ordinance there but spent rounds have been dredged off the Lake bottom.
Would anyone remember the five–six observation towers on site at the Range? I remember them being pretty elaborate for observation,,built of the best lumber and lots of glass facing South. There’s probably pictures in the Gazette files or in the Archives. I believe M. Howe contracted for their removal in the 60s but the mound sites are still there.
I totally agree Doris. Reminds me of the saying “Don’t eat that Harold”. They must think us County folk are pretty naive. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck there’s a darn good chance it’s a duck. If you suddenly decide to clear Ostrander point just prior to a controversial wind farm and disguise it as public safety there’s a darn good chance that is BS!
I talked to the person in charge at the fair booth. A very charming young man who has the party line well rehearsed–protect the people–after 60 some years they decide to clean up that site. Is it a coincidence that it is being done now.
I do not think so. They have this large plan for Canada. Sure and they are just doing Ostrander Point now. They had an environmentalist walking ahead of the bus hog and he did not see any turtles and they did not disturb any natural environment. Are we suppose to believe this stuff? Maybe some of you do but I don’t.
When I talked to DND at the fair, they indicated that they do clearance work at Wellers Bay annually as new risks can wash in or be discovered in the ground. I seen their activities there reported repeatedly in the local press. (The rest of the story.)
Of course DND are being drawn in to facilitate the wind project. They haven’t had any pressing interst to clean up the erea prior. It’s full bore ahead and turn a deaf ear to the residents. The health issues which I believe are real will come to the forefront after the fact. This is a sad situation when any local decision making is removed.
I talked to the DND folks today at the Picton Fair. They indicated that they are not going to be doing any clearance work at Wellers Bay, which is a much bigger problem and, which unlike Ostrander Point, is on their priority list.
There’s no doubt that the Ostrander Point work is being done in anticipation of this project going forward.
DND currently has a manned booth at the Picton fair which is well worth visiting for first hand information. They are available to explain their public safety program for UXO detection and removal. The hanout highlighs the “legacy sites” for this danger as being Wellers Bay, Point Petre, Ostrander Point and Prince Edward Point.
From the handout: “the military still conducts training exercises at the Trenton military base and along the shores of Prince Edward County. The UXO encountered in PEC comes from past as well as current military training operations, and can be found on land and water.”
Conversation indicated that UXO can never be totally removed but they do detection sweeps to reduce the danger.
The documentation referred to in my comment below is available at the Give em Hull campaign web site at http://www.give-em-hull.ca/2011/09/10/documentation-shows-direct-link-between-dnd-wind-farm/
With all due respect, Councillor Proctor may not have had the correspondence between the DND and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources available to her when she made her comments.
Emails released the DND which were sent to the Ontario MNR to explain the project and clarify permit requirements state that “UXO survey and clearance activities will be conducted in response to development/construction projects in Prince Edward County”.
The chronology of events based publicly-available information is;
2006. Gilead starts wind monitoring at Ostrander Point.
January 2008. Gilead holds first public open house
August 2008. Gilead holds second public open house
September 2008. Nick Sanders (DND) emails Christine Brown (MNR) to ask if any permits are required for DND’s proposed unexploded ordinance work at Ostrander Point. The only justification for the ordinance sweep was “UXO survey and clearance activities will be conducted in response to development/construction projects in Prince Edward County”.
March 2011. DND publishes Draft Screening Report which includes above email correspondence, along with the disclosure that the only public consultation carried out was with Gilead: “The wind farm proponent, Gilead, was consulted to determine footprint of the windfarm and to and to coordinate respective project activities”.
It should be noted that the technical references cited by the Draft Screening Report include the “Royal Road Wind Project: Environmental Review Report”.
The documents which were quoted above will all be published shortly on my campaign website and made available to the media including countlive.
Let me stress that I intend no disrespect to the DND or the individuals on the ground who are “just doing their jobs.” It is regrettable that the DND has been inadverently drawn into a controversial Ontario.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day, the project documentation for the activity at Ostrander Point demonstrates that it was explicitly undertaken to support the Gilead wind farm.
I used to have a dog in this race, but now I’m just fed up with the partisan bickering from both sides. Its become petty and tiresome.
This debate has brought out an ugly side of the County, and is essentially splitting it. Its sad, in a way.
NAFTA allowed energy companies to open our system up to privatization.
McGuinty was originally elected to stop the privatization of Ontario Hydro.
The unions took the government to court to stop the sale of a “Public Utility”
Since then , McGuinty has slowly taken our system towards a for profit system.
It is a monopoly , with you as a captured market. There is no competition regarding the producers.
The more IWT developers we allow the higher our hydro costs will go.
Simply fact when you are paid 3 times more than conventional rates for power.
The more Solar development, your power costs will increase even more by 12 to 15 times.
Plus the cost of Gas Power plants.
Lets put aside the nonsense of lower emissions.
Pollution levels have lowered in Ontario thanks to Fannie Mae , Goldman Sachs and all the wonderful people that brought you the globes Financial meltdown.
Lets NOT forget the cost of GAS..this was and is still a huge factor in keeping the economy from growing.
Smog has traditionally come from the south of the border, it can be explained on MOE sites for skeptics.
The real issue here is a government that once again has not kept it’s word.
We have an opportunity to adopt solar or geothermal with government grants and good subsidies.
Right now the only focus is to provide our tax dollars to entrench for profit businesses to sell us power.
Why are you thinking this is acceptable ?
The Liberals have aligned with corporations to walk in here and sell you power at 3 to 15 times the rate you now pay.
If you want lower emissions…the Liberal and NDP direction is NOT the only way.
Right now ,today we could create long term , local jobs in manufacturing , service , installation of solar.
We could have huge job growth in geothermal.
You could all have lower energy costs , provide power into the grid with solar and lower demand for power with geothermal.
You are being misled and spun by your own government.
There is absolutely no benefit for any avergae person in Ontario to continue in this for profit direction .
It doesn’t matter if you are for alternate energy or not.
When the technology is there for any person that owns a home or condo , or business or farm you could benefit from grants to adopt some form of alternate energy.
The jobs would be astounding.
You have to stop accepting the idea that there are no other ways to lower emissions , and use less fossil fuels than IWTs or Solar developers SELLING you power.
The Liberals sold us out and handed us on a silver platter to these companies.
It’s NOT about the environment. It’s about entrenching for profit business selling us power.
The Liberals were elected to stop the sale of Ontario Hydro. To keep it a public Utility , for the people by the people.
They have not kept their promise.
And they are praying you don’t notice.
Focus on the key issues and we can take back our province and perhaps change our political system to have it work the way a democracy should work.
Elected representatives should work for you.
You are their bosses , they are NOT yours.
The laws should work for you , not IWT companies.
This is why you MUST have a change in government and in the system.
It is not working for you anymore.
It doesn’t matter if you believe in climate chnage or not.
It doesn’t matter if you think IWTs work or not.
A political party MUST work for the people NOT corporations.
I was certain in Canada everyone was entitled to Due Process,Gilead seems to be waiting for those processes until they proceed as well Enviromental Groups are entitled to those same benefits.Now lets say an Enviromentalist was wandering around Ostrander Point and Kaboom what then ?
Paul – last time – Lord says very clearly that Gilead would not move ahead on a project where there would be “environmental impacts” – his words. Numerous credible environmental groups have said the Ostrander project is in an inappropriate location for turbines because of serious environmental impacts. So … if Lord’s word means anything, Gilead should walk away from this project. Otherwise he’s spouting hot air. I DID NOT say Gilead was doing the clearance work or that the sky is falling.
It’s being done now because the site cannot be used for anything, a wind farm or a park, until the unexploded devices have been cleaned up. The government is not only being prudent but doing their job.
Oh come on everyone, the DND has had a lot of years to clean up the sight. Why is it being done now because Gilead thinks it is getting ready to start its construction of destruction.
The fact is ,Gilead isn’t moving ahead. The Department of National Defense is contracting the work.I didn t misunderstand your comment,your placing blame where it does not belong.I’m on the fence in regards to wind turbines, until all the FACTS and STUDIES are provided.
But if you wanna run around screaming the sky is falling go ahead..
Paul – sure did – sorry you don’t understand the comment.
Well written….lets just get on with a hydro alternative, hydro one has us all held hostage and thinking any of the political parties and going to insist they remove the taxes from our bills is fantasy.
Dude did you even read the article ?
““Gilead has been working on this project since 2006 and we would never develop a project in good conscious where we thought there would be environmental impacts,” said Lord in an interview.”
I assume he meant “conscience” – but in any case – apparently when numerous environmental groups feel the location of this project is inappropriate exactly because of environmental impacts, Gilead still feels it can proceed? Hmmm……
Words are slippery things. VisionQuest made similar soothing noises, telling us they were “here for the long haul…” and “really want to be part of the community…” before they sold the Royal Rd. project (and themselves) to TransAlta Corp and were never seen round these parts again. That project stalled when the developers never came back to the OMB where we were challenging them. I mistrust phrases like “to the best of their ability…” which kind of means nothing. Also Gilead says it would NEVER do stuff “if we thought there would be environmental impacts…” but has obtained an official permit to “kill, harm and harass” turtles and birds “as well as damage and destroy the habitat of…” said creatures. Just because somebody says it, doesn’t mean it’s true. I’m just saying …