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Live Skype follows ‘Windfall’ documentary screenings

“Windfall,” a new documentary that premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last September and that has been gaining accolades across North America, comes to the Regent Theatre in Picton. Three screenings have been programmed, Monday, May 30 at 3:30, 5:45 and 8:00 pm. The film runs 83 minutes, and each screening will be followed by a live Skype Q& A with the director/producer, Laura Israel.
The cameras follow the residents of Meredith, New York as they go through a process that will becoming familiar to many Prince Edward County residents – debating the pros and cons of allowing wind turbines in their community. Local proponents champion the promise of green energy and monetary compensation, while detractors question the efficiency of wind-generated energy and the drawbacks of living among 400-foot tall towers with gigantic rotating blades.
With thousands of acres optioned in and around Prince Edward County, and with hundreds of turbines planned for this area, the film is timely.
First-time director Laura Israel, who has a log cabin in Meredith, first became aware of the town’s wind energy debate when she read stories in the local newspaper about the potential dangers of turbines to the bird and bat population.
“I went through the same process myself as they did in the film,” says Israel. “First, I thought, maybe I’d like to get a wind turbine, but then I started going on the Internet and realized there was more to the story.”
Israel videotaped in Meredith for about a year, documenting contentious board meetings and interviewing residents, and also visiting other areas in New York, such as Lewis County, where wind turbines have already taken hold. The film offers few experts on either side of the debate; rather, it allows local townspeople to discuss their own research and real life experiences once the turbines arrive. Israel argues that people and communities need to be informed as they make decisions about wind energy. “What I would want people to do is research it and look at it critically” says Israel. She advises, “Do your homework.”
The film has been an official selection at numerous film festivals, including Toronto and Vancouver. It was declared winner of the grand prize at DOC NYC.
This screening has been organized by the County Coalition for Safe and Appropriate Green Energy (CCSAGE).

Filed Under: Local News


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  1. John Portnos says:

    Gilead’s lease payment is a measly $250,000/yr. Disturbing.

  2. Lori Smith says:

    Beth –
    Just how much money (hefty lease amount) should a multi-billion dollar company pay to allow them to destroy a unique and sensitive environmental area?

    What amount do you think they should pay that would make it acceptable to harass, maim & kill endangered or threatened species?

    What is a fair price to pay for every bald or golden eagle killed, or short eared owl or other raptor?

    In other words, what price to you put on these things?

  3. Beth says:

    Doris, “We” as you put it do not own government land it is own by the government. We do not have freedom to use the land as our own and must obtain authorization to utilize that land. We may have access to some of it for limited use, but that’s it. I am sure that any company wishing to use that land for the must pay some hefty lease amount for that use.

  4. John Portnos says:

    Donna is full of hot air and could use a wind turbine beside her computer – appears to write alot about topics she doesn’t understand. I would encourage everyone to read this blog about the effects of wind power and do what needs to be done locally to stop this nonsense:

    I find it alarming that a Toronto-based power company (Gilead Power) will be allowed to construct near a major migratory bird route and be able to disturb the habitat of endangered species (see CBC link – includes text and video clip) ….


  5. Doris Lane says:

    As stated by another writer. Gilead is puttting the IWT’s on Crown Land. Crown Land belongs to us–why should we let big business use OUR land for their purposes.

  6. Mark says:

    We have worked long and hard and invested millions to become a tourist destination and maintain a beautiful,rural and agriculture based island. Now some for the immediate grab at some leased land dollars could care less about marring the landscape, adversely affecting the wildlife and impacting the health of the county residents. And crown land is everyone’s not just the wind lovers. How do you think the windmills are transported, constructed and power is transferred. Not as green as some would like us to believe. This is a knee jerk reaction to our energy woes.

  7. Donna says:

    The pro-wind people HAVE done their homework and that’s why they are PRO green energy!

  8. Randy Cross says:

    Forget Green Energy–Its Fake!

    This lady explains the issues with Industrial Wind and Solar pretty well !!

  9. Doris Lane says:

    This would be a good opportunity for the Pro Wind people to come to the Regent and see the screening of Windfall. They might leave with a different attitude toward the IWT’s

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