Remembering the 70s at Pinecrest school
Administrator | May 05, 2019 | Comments 0
As plans and registrations for the June 8 reunion for Pinecrest and Queen Elizabeth schools come together, we look at the 70s, at Pinecrest. (Reunion registration details below)
Graduating classes at Pinecrest in 1970 began the planting of a windbreak along the north and west fence lines of the school. Fifty white pines, 100 blue spruce, 100 silver maple and 100 lombardy poplars were planted under the direction of John Hiddink and Gerald McKeown.
It is noted in the yearbook that Mrs. L.E. Brooks could be seen speeding down the hallway in her wheelchair. “Even though handicapped with a broken ankle, her pace never altered”.
In the 1970-71 school year, an F86 Jet travelled down Bloomfield Main Street to be parked a the school. The money to acquire the plane was acquired by students through various fundraising projects.
Students, friends and relatives collected 50,000 Campbell Soup labels during the 1974-75 school year. This earned then a new 35mm Bell and Howell film projector for the school.
Graduates that year numbered 119 students. An extension needed to be built on the stage for graduation exercises.
Pinecrest school staff 1976-1977 – Back row: Ronald Henry, Gerald McKeown, Chris Tammel, Eric Broadley, Michael Jowett, Winston Rowe, Douglas Blower, John Hiddink, John Bigg, Robert Hall, Henry Cranshaw. Middle row: J.D. Rainey, Christine Burden, Herbert Coopers, Gloria Jowett, Forence Berry, Carole Binch, Eulalie Taylor, Gena Miller, David Fox, Jean Strawbridge, Clarence Brooks. Front: Ruth Thompson, Nancy Lockyer, Margaret Hitchon, Arlene Wright, Ival Stark, Ethel Brooks, Ruth Wilson, Diane Cranshaw, Linda Boyce, Sheila O’Grady. Absent: Patricia Coleman, Mary Edgar, John Stegeman, Robert Wood.
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